Nba youngboy

Powers and abilities[]

Garfield mid-transformation.

  • Animal shape-shifting: Beast Boy has the ability to shape-shift into any animal he has seen and made meaningful contact with while still maintaining his original green color. This extends to extraterrestrial animal life, as long as he has studied them. While in an animal’s form, he gains its strength, agility, and modes of movement, such as speed, flight, and flexibility. However, he loses his human capacity for speech. Beast Boy was also able to independently transform his head into that of an animal, and while in the form of a Gorilla, he was able to shape-shift his hair to imitate Gretchen Goode’s hairstyle.
  • Enhanced senses: Beast Boy’s senses are more keen than the average human, enabling him to track through scent from a considerable distance.


As a young boy, Garfield was outgoing and energetic, yet also mature enough for an 8-year-old to help his mother to care for animals. He worshipped heroes, and after a blood transfusion from Miss Martian saved his life, he began to consider her his «blood sister».

As Beast Boy, Garfield still evinces a childlike personality. Often when someone explains anything to him or chides him for his behavior, he responds with «noted». Like Kid Flash, he has taken up the role of collecting souvenirs from each mission.

By 2018, Garfield has matured and mellowed out. He carries himself with a sense of professionalism in public, though he retains some of his old quips. He also likes teasing his girlfriend Perdita.

NBA YoungBoy kids

Kayden Gaulden, although named as Draco (son with Nisha)

photo / instagram

Date of birth: 2016

NBA YoungBoy is just 18 years old, but he is a father of 4 sons. Kayden is one of them, born to the popular rapper by his ex-girlfriend Nisha. The famous rapper, whose real name is Kentrell DeSean Gaulden, and she had been in relations during several years. Kentrell spent a lot of time with Kayden and his younger brothers. He fed his kids from a bottle himself. But if he needed to change diapers, he asked his housemaid Montana to help him.

Kamron Gaulden (son with Starr Dejanee)

Date of birth: 2016

Kamron is the second son of NBA YoungBoy and Starr Dejanee. Although the rapper and his girlfriend have already separated, he keeps supporting her with money. “I have to earn a lot, all my family depends on me”, YoungBoy told in his interview. In summer, 2018 it turned out, that his ex-girlfriend Starr Dejanee lied to him, and after DNA test it was proved, that Kamron, known also as Baby K, is not biologically YoungBoy’s baby. But the rapper promised to raise this kid as his own.

Taylin Gaulden (son with Nia)

Date of birth: March 19, 2017

Taylin Gaulden, or Tay Tay, is the third kid of a scandalous rapper YoungBoy. The name of the boy’s mother is Niya. The rapper had one-night affair with a girl Niya. When she announced she was pregnant, YoungBoy asked her to pass a paternity test. It proved that he was a biological father of a child.

On June 26, 2018 Tay Tay and his mother were involved into a terrible car accident. Now both of them are fighting for their lives.

Kamiri Gaulden (son with Starr Dejanee)

Date of birth: July 6, 2017

Kamiri is the youngest son of YoungBoy. He was born by his girlfriend Starr. He is usually nicknamed as K3. As for now, Kentrell Gaulden has four sons and three baby moms. It seems that the rapper created a kind of his personal harem. He stays in touch with all mothers of his sons. In future he plans to buy a big house, where all members of his family, including his mother, siblings, sons and mothers of his sons would live together.

Kacey Alexander Gaulden (son with Jania Bania)

photo instagram / baniaajania

Date of Birth: February 13, 2019

Currently the rapper’s ex-girlfriend Jania, gave birth to his fourth blood related kid. Congrats!


  • Season 1
    • 21. «Image»
    • 26. «Auld Acquaintance» (flashback, no lines)
  • Season 2
    • 01. «Happy New Year»
    • 02. «Earthlings»
    • 03. «Alienated»
    • 04. «Salvage» (no lines)
    • 06. «Bloodlines»
    • 07. «Depths» (no lines)
    • 08. «Satisfaction» (no lines)
    • 09. «Darkest» (no lines)
    • 10. «Before the Dawn»
    • 11. «Cornered» (no lines)
    • 15. «War» (no lines)
    • 17. «The Hunt» (no lines)
    • 18. «Intervention» (no lines)
    • 19. «Summit»
    • 20. «Endgame» (no lines)
  • Season 3
    • 01. «Princes All» (no lines)
    • 02. «Royal We»
    • 03. «Eminent Threat»
    • 05. «Away Mission» (picture)
    • 12. «Nightmare Monkeys»
    • 13. «True Heroes» (flashback, no lines)
    • 14. «Influence»
    • 15. «Leverage»
    • 16. «Illusion of Control»
    • 17. «First Impression»
    • 18. «Early Warning»
    • 19. «Elder Wisdom»
    • 21. «Unknown Factors»
    • 22. «Antisocial Pathologies»
    • 23. «Terminus» (no lines)
    • 24. «Into the Breach»
    • 25. «Overwhelmed» (no lines)
    • 26. «Nevermore»
  • Young Justice: Legacy
  • Companion comics
    • 20. «Players, Chapter One: Wheelbarrow, Shoe, Thimble»
    • 21. «Players, Chapter Two: Directly to Jail»
    • 22. «Players, Chapter Three: Landing on Boardwalk»
    • 23. «Players, Chapter Four: Do Not Pass Go»
    • 24. «Players, Chapter Five: Milburn, Edgar and Jake»
    • 25. «Players, Chapter Six: Rolling Doubles»
    • YJO 01. «Torch Songs, Part 1»
    • YJO 02. «Torch Songs, Part 2»


NBA YoungBoy, who recently refused from the first part of his stage moniker “NBA (Never Broke Again)” to avoid possible confusion with basketball league, had a tough childhood. He was raised by his maternal grandmother, while his father was put into jail and his mother left the family.

YoungBoy spent his childhood and teen years in Baton Rouge, Lousianna. He tells, that his hometown has a special atmosphere, probably, dangerous and unhealthy to some extent, but very close to YoungBoy’s heart. Now the rapper spends most part of his time at West Coast as he makes career there, but still he is not ready to buy a house and move out. He doesn’t feel natural in that place.

Born Kentrell Gaulden attended Scotlandville Magnet High School, which he dropped out, when he decided to pursue career of a rapper. Together with his childhood friend 3Three and a number of other boys they founded the band NBA and tried their best to save money for a recording studio. To achieve that aim, YoungBoy was ready for some criminal acts. One day he and 3Three stole car batteries and sold them to use this money for making professional records. Later 3Three mother Monique paid for the first professional recording session of YoungBoy.

As for now, the rapper has already released the first studio album “Until Death Call My Name” through Atlantic Records. He has also released 10 mixtapes, the most popular of which is “38 Baby”, which actually made him a star.



Marie Logan

Main article: Marie Logan

Marie was Garfield’s mother. They were very close, and he helped her out on the animal sanctuary, though he did not always do as told. On January 16, 2011, Marie was killed in an accident set up by Queen Bee, leaving Garfield devastated and orphaned.

Miss Martian

Main article: Miss Martian

After a blood transfusion from M’gann saved his life when he was eight, Garfield considered her his blood-sister. Their bond became stronger after Marie’s death, and they now treat each other as brother and sister.


Main article: Perdita

During the funeral of mutual friend Wally West, Garfield met Perdita, Queen of Vlatava. They began a romantic relationship which has gained much popularity, support and a celebrity status with fans shipping their relationship as «Gardita».

Правовые вопросы

28 ноября 2016 года маршалы США арестовали Голдена перед концертом в Остине, штат Техас, обвинив его в том, что он выпрыгнул из машины и открыл огонь по группе людей на улице Южного Батон-Руж. Голдену было предъявлено обвинение по двум пунктам обвинения в покушении на убийство. Голден находился в тюрьме до августа 2017 года за попытку убийства первой степени. Говоря о его заключении, он сказал: «Я не думаю, что они действительно нацелены, но если у тебя есть имя, они знают, кто ты, ты что-то делаешь, они придут за тобой, и с кем бы ты ни был и что бы они ни делали. , вы несете ответственность за это только потому, что у вас самое громкое имя. Вот как все это дерьмо ». Столкнувшись с двумя пунктами обвинения в покушении на убийство первой степени, он признал себя виновным в смягчении обвинений в нападении с применением огнестрельного оружия при отягчающих обстоятельствах. 23 августа 2017 года он был приговорен к 10 годам лишения свободы условно и трем годам активного испытательного срока.

Голден был арестован перед концертом в ночном клубе The Moon в Таллахасси 25 февраля 2018 года. У Голдена был ордер в штате Джорджия за якобы совершение нападения, нарушения правил обращения с оружием и похищение людей. Вскоре после его ареста просочилась запись видеонаблюдения, на которой Голден напал на кого-то. 15 марта 2018 года он был освобожден из тюрьмы под залог в 75 тысяч долларов.

12 мая 2019 года, когда Голден находился на испытательном сроке, он участвовал в перестрелке в Майами, в ходе которой он открыл ответный огонь после того, как стрелок на черном Cadillac Escalade открыл огонь, ранив девушку Голдена и убив прохожего. Хотя обвинения Голдена в самой стрельбе были сняты, выяснилось, что он находился в компании Бена Филдса и Трулондрика «Бумер» Нормана, что нарушило особые условия его испытательного срока; за это нарушение судья приказал ему провести 90 дней в тюрьме, запретил ему выступать в течение следующих 14 месяцев и приговорил его к домашнему аресту с электронным наблюдением на оставшуюся часть испытательного срока. 13 декабря 2019 года судья официально прекратил испытательный срок Голдена по двум пунктам обвинения в покушении на убийство. 18 декабря 2019 года его приговорили к году условно по делу, которое он вел против своей бывшей девушки Джании. В настоящее время он живет в Лос-Анджелесе .

28 сентября 2020 года Голден был среди 16 человек, арестованных в Батон-Руж, штат Луизиана, по различным обвинениям, включая распространение и изготовление наркотиков и хранение украденного огнестрельного оружия. Его адвокат отрицал какую-либо вину, заявив, что «не было никаких указаний на то, что во время ареста у него было какое-либо оружие или наркотики». Когда появились новости о его аресте, Голден удалил все свои социальные сети, в том числе свои аккаунты в Instagram и Twitter.

22 марта 2021 года Голден был арестован федеральными агентами по федеральному ордеру. Офицеры попытались остановить машину с Голденом, чтобы выполнить ордер, когда Голден уехал пешком. После обыска с использованием K9 Голден был найден и привлечен к уголовной ответственности.

What is YoungBoy’s criminal history?

YoungBoy has a detailed criminal history.

In November 2016, he was taken into custody before a performance in Austin accused of jumping out of a vehicle and opening fire on a group of people on a South Baton Rouge street.

He was charged with two counts of attempted murder and spent six months in jail from December 2016 to August 2017 after pleading guilty to a reduced charge of aggravated assault with a firearm.

He was given a suspended 10-year prison term and three years of active probation.

But on February 25, 2018, he was seen on hotel surveillance footage assaulting someone and was incarcerated for three months for a shooting that happened in Miami involving him and his girlfriend.

In May 2019, the rapper was reportedly involved in a fatal road rage shooting outside Trump International Beach Resort in Florida.

The rapper’s bodyguard reportedly returned fire at the attacker, eventually killing him, while three other people were injured, according to police.

He was required to do probation for 14 months and in December 2019, his probation for two counts of attempted murder was officially terminated.


NBA Youngboy has reportedly been taken into custodyCredit: Los Angeles Police Department

He is currently living in Los Angeles, and is on a plea deal for the case that he has against ex-girlfriend Jania.

On Monday, September 28, 2020, authorities detained several people after reports of potentially illegal activity in Baton Rouge.


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Social media posts suggest YoungBoy was among those detained.

On Monday March 22, 2021, NBA YoungBoy was reportedly taken into FBI custody after trying to flee from the Los Angeles Police after being pulled over.

The rapper was tracked down using a K-9 unit after attempting to evade capture, TMZ reports.

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Who is NBA YoungBoy?

NBA YoungBoy was born in 1999 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

He was raised mainly by his maternal grandmother due to his father being sentenced to 55 years in prison, Fader Magazine reports.

His real name is Kentrell DeSean Gaulden but he is known professionally as YoungBoy Never Broke Again, or NBA YoungBoy.

As a toddler, YoungBoy broke his neck while wrestling and the injury required him to wear a head brace which left permanent scars on his forehead.

He dropped out of ninth grade to focus on his music career but was arrested for robbery and sent to a detention center in Tallulah, Louisiana.

After he was released he and a friend reportedly used acts of criminality to pay for studio time.

He has reportedly been arrested by FBI after trying to flee when pulled over.


NBA Youngboy is a dad of sevenCredit: Instagram

When did YoungBoy start writing music?

In an interview with XXL Mag he said he started writing at the age of seven.

He said: «I wrote my first song in the first or second grade. I was on and off from there.»

The rapper garnered a cult following through his work after releasing eight independent mixtapes between 2015 and 2017.


NBA Youngboy has had many hit recordsCredit: Getty Images — Getty

He was signed to Atlantic Records in 2017.

His 2018 debut studio album Until Death Call My Name peaked at number seven on the US Billboard 200.

His first chart-topping project came in 2019 with AI YoungBoy 2 which debuted and peaked at number one on the Billboard 200.

It included the singles Self Control, Slime Mentality and Make No Sense.

He also collaborated with the late rapper Juice Wrld on Bandit and in April 2020, he released his sixteenth mixtape 38 Baby 2, which debuted at number one on the Billboard 200.

The number of fans exploded with the release of the video for 38 Baby, which saw him riding around Houston, clutching a .38 pistol.

The song was named after the street where he grew up.

His second studio album Top was released in 2020.


YoungBoy has been in trouble with the lawCredit: Instagram

How many kids does NBA YoungBoy have?

YoungBoy is reportedly the father of seven children — but the correct tally is not known.

He reportedly has a child with Lapattra Lashai Jacobs, but the gender and age is unknown.

And although it was reported Kaylyn Marie Long had a daughter, kind, with the rapper, later reports said she had suffered a miscarriage.

Here’s the children we do know about:

Kentrell Jr


Iyanna gave birth to YoungBoy’s son in January 2021

Kentrell Jr is YoungBoy’s youngest child.

He was born on January 9, 2021.

Iyanna Mayweather, the daughter of boxer Floyd, is the mother.

In April 202, Iyanna, was arrested for allegedly stabbing the mother of one of NBA YoungBoy’s children.

Kodi Capri

Houston actress Drea Symone welcomed their daughter Kodi Capri on Thanksgiving 2020.

Reports claim she is the couple’s second child, born on November 26.

Drea posts pictures on her Instagram with daughter, who she tags as Kens.


Armani appears to be the rapper’s only child whose name doesn’t begin with a K.

The baby girl is the second child of YoungBoy and Nisha.

She has an older brother, Kayden.

Kacey was born on February 13, 2019.

His birth mum is social media influencer Jania Bania.


Taylin was born in March 19, 2017.

His mum is Nia, who is said to have a one-night stand with YoungBoy.

After a paternity test was done it was confirmed Tay is the rapper’s son.



In June 2018, he made a Facebook post saying one of his sons, ‘Baby K’, is not biologically hisCredit: Instagram

Kamiri is YoungBoy’s son with Starr Dejanee.

He was born on July 6, 2017.

Kamiri has a brother, Kamron, who was thought to be the rapper’s son but in June 2018, YoungBoy made a Facebook post saying one of his sons, Baby K, is not biologically his.

He wrote: «Wanna Be First To Tell Yall I Officially Found Out Baby K Isnt My Child, But The Man I Am Im Going To Keep Raising Him Like He’s Mine I Cant Lie It Hurt To Find Out The Truth But Life Goes On.»


Kayden is the rapper’s oldest child, born on Jul 14, 2016.

His mother is Nisha

Kayden appeared in his dad’s video for single Kacey Talk, along with his half-brother Kacey.


NBA YoungBoy has seven childrenCredit: Instagram